Under the ever watchful eye of the herdsman of Glencoe flows the river Coupall. A rocky river full of little waterfalls. The Coupall rises close to the summit of a mountain pass 'Lairig Gartrain'. On its way it gathers numerous burns off the hills. The Coupall flows north-east. At the foot of Glen Etive it meets the River Etive, flowing south-west it ends in Loch Etive.
Scotland, land of thousand rivers, burns and streams. In this image the Great Herdsman of Glencoe (Buchaille Etive Mór). A true landmark when entering the valley of Glencoe. A mountain with a triangle shape; the way children tend to draw mountains. Flowing in front is the river Coupall, close to the famous falls, well-known by every photographer capturing Glencoe.