Jack Snipe ( lymnocryptes minimus/bokje/zwerg schnepfe/)

On the banks of the Loofles lake (Kootwijk, The Netherlands) my daughter and I spotted a motionless common snipe. A real treat, as we were looking for moorfrogs.....

The jack snipe is the smallest snipe. When disturbed, it relies entirely on its camouflage, so you usually only see it when you are almost on top of it.
# jacksnipe


Jack Snipe ( lymnocryptes minimus/bokje/zwerg schnepfe/)

On the banks of the Loofles lake (Kootwijk, The Netherlands) my daughter and I spotted a motionless common snipe. A real treat, as we were looking for moorfrogs.....

The jack snipe is the smallest snipe. When disturbed, it relies entirely on its camouflage, so you usually only see it when you are almost on top of it.
# jacksnipe

Ref: Secretive snipe