Broken promise
Broken promise

Broken promise

He said “Let’s spend the night together, one last night while we can.
At first she doubted, is this wise? But he seemed a nice man.
He promised : “when the cold sets in, dear, I will keep you warm.”
and so she thought “Well, what the heck” and gave in to his charm.

Who is to blame? we will never know, but someone misjudged things.
At dawnbreak: forever one. Broken promise, broken wings...
And there they hung both paralyzed in pearls sparkling in first light.
but frozen in their big blue eyes a glimpse of love they shared that night.

10 oktober 2021. De eerste nachtvorst had zich aangediend. Een onfortuinlijk waterjufferpaartje was ineengestrengeld bevroren. Kennelijk overvallen door de vorst.

Broken promise

Broken promise

He said “Let’s spend the night together, one last night while we can.
At first she doubted, is this wise? But he seemed a nice man.
He promised : “when the cold sets in, dear, I will keep you warm.”
and so she thought “Well, what the heck” and gave in to his charm.

Who is to blame? we will never know, but someone misjudged things.
At dawnbreak: forever one. Broken promise, broken wings...
And there they hung both paralyzed in pearls sparkling in first light.
but frozen in their big blue eyes a glimpse of love they shared that night.

10 oktober 2021. De eerste nachtvorst had zich aangediend. Een onfortuinlijk waterjufferpaartje was ineengestrengeld bevroren. Kennelijk overvallen door de vorst.